Public Draft Plan
The Great Redwood Trail Agency has developed a Master Plan for the 231 miles of trail within Mendocino, Trinity, and Humboldt counties. We’ve gathered ideas and suggestions from California Native American tribes, adjacent landowners, trail enthusiasts, law enforcement professionals, local government partners, and hundreds of community members. The public comment period for the draft plan opened on April 3, 2024 and closed on July 3, 2024.
How can I view the Draft Master Plan?
You can view the Draft Master Plan by downloading a PDF version by clicking here.
What happens next?
The GRTA will consider all comments received during the public comment period on the Draft Master Plan. The GRTA may make revisions based on feedback before adopting the Master Plan in Summer 2025 (tentative). Check back here or subscribe to receive updates by email. The GRTA is also conducting a program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) process as part of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the Master Plan. To learn more, see PEIR on the project website.
Master Plan Overview
The Great Redwood Trail Master Plan will be a roadmap for planning, constructing, and managing the future Great Redwood Trail. The master plan will be informed by a robust Community Engagement Plan that will capture community desires, concerns and ideas to develop the Great Redwood Trail. Once complete, the master plan will serve as a guiding document to address issues including but not limited to trail user experience, trail design, operations and maintenance, habitat restoration, project priorities, funding, and management of the trail. The master plan covers Mendocino, Trinity and Humboldt counties. The Great Redwood Trail in Sonoma and Marin counties will be planned and constructed by SMART.
Vision for the Trail
The Great Redwood Trail (GRT) will be a world-class regional rail-trail system that connects remote places in northern California with the bustling San Francisco Bay Area and Humboldt Bay communities. The GRT will offer unique, memorable trail experiences for people who live nearby or visit from far away. The GRT will generate new trail-oriented development and economic opportunities. The trail will be designed and managed to enhance the surrounding natural environment, respect neighboring properties, and offer safe and equitable access for a wide range of users, including hikers, equestrians,cyclists, runners, wheelchair users, and others. The Great Redwood Trail Agency (GRTA) will work collaboratively with California Native American tribes, residents, landowners, businesses, community-based organizations, and government partners to solve problems and oversee this incredible trail network.
The Master Plan
Engage the Public
Define the vision for the trail
Develop solutions for community concerns
Identify and prioritize projects
Develop strategies for operations & maintenance
Study Area
Click to expand
Timeline (click image to expand)
Get Involved
Give your feedback in person. Attend one of our master plan events.
Interactive Map
View and comment on a map of the future trail.
Mailing List
Sign up for our mailing list to get the latest master plan updates
Interactive Map
CEQA Process for Master Plan
Consistent with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements, GRTA will prepare a program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) for the Great Redwood Trail Master Plan. Preparing a program EIR for the whole of the Great Redwood Trail in Mendocino, Trinity, and Humboldt counties allows for a more comprehensive consideration of effects than would be practical in separate mitigated negative declarations or EIRs on individual actions (i.e., individual trail segments). It allows for consideration of cumulative impacts that might be missed on a case-by-case basis.
When does the program PEIR process begin?
GRTA distributed a Notice of Preparation (NOP) on May 1, 2024 according to Section 15082 of the CEQA Guidelines, kicking off a public scoping period to provide interested parties the opportunity to offer early input on the scope of environmental issues and potential environmental effects to be considered in the GRT program EIR. GRTA held an online public scoping meeting on the evening of May 14, 2024.
What information was presented at the public scoping meeting?
The scoping meeting included an overview of the project, a description of the type and scope of the PEIR, a summary of probable environmental effects, and a description of the PEIR process, including other opportunities for public comment. Oral comments from the public were heard following the presentation.
How can I review a recording of the meeting?
A recording of the meeting is posted on the website under Events.
Can I provide written comments on the scope of the PEIR?
The original deadline to submit comments on the scope of the PEIR was May 31, 2024, and the deadline was extended to June 10, 2024. Comments were accepted via email and regular mail during the scoping period.
What happens after the public scoping meeting?
This scoping meeting starts a year-long EIR process to evaluate potential environmental impacts and propose mitigation measures. Please see a schedule below. Under AB 52, the GRTA will offer government-to-government consultations to California Native American tribes on the Native American Heritage Commission notice list. Additional public comment will be solicited when a draft PEIR is ready for public review. Subscribe to the mailing list to receive updates.

Find the list of Master Plan and EIR events below.
Coming Soon:
Stay tuned!
We attended these past events…
Godwit Days, Arcata
Dia del Niño, Ukiah
Willits Frontier Days, Willits
Fourth of July Festival, Eureka
Fortuna Rodeo, Fortuna
Humboldt Folklife Festival, Blue Lake
Round Valley Blackberry Festival, Covelo
Humboldt County Fair, Ferndale
Mendocino County Fair, Boonville
Ukiah Pumpkin Fest, Ukiah
Let’s Talk Tourism, Humboldt
Inter-Tribal Environmental Youth Campout, Fort Bragg
Rio Dell Wildwood Days, Rio Dell
California Indian Days, Covelo
Coyote Valley Big Time, Redwood Valley
Annie and Mary Day, Blue Lake
Pinoleville Big Time, Ukiah
Past Meetings
PEIR Public Scoping Meeting
May 14, 2024: 6:00 pm
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